
Why You Need a Compliance Officer in Your Healthcare Facility

Many healthcare facilities need a compliance officer to ensure adherence to OSHA regulations. Whether the title is compliance advisor, compliance manager, compliance director, compliance leader or compliance specialist, the job role is essential for all facilities, from small businesses to large institutions. The complexity of OSHA regulations makes a dedicated officer a necessity. A point person to answer questions and oversee procedures lets a team focus on the work it needs to do. Some facilities may decide that compliance officers for OSHA regulations are not necessary, and that  compliance management is just additional bureaucracy. The following information may help those in doubt reconsider.

How Do You Know if You Really Need a Compliance Officer?

Compliance is an ongoing concern, and an ongoing job. OSHA regulations can change. Employees with certification may leave the company, and new ones that arrive need the required certifications. Policies in the institution may change, and compliance violations in certain stations can occur. Someone must be responsible to make sure that these changes are addressed. A compliance officer assigned to take care of these responsibilities can smooth out operations in your facility without violating OSHA regulations.

The Roles of a Compliance Officer

First and foremost, the compliance officer is responsible for making sure that the facility follows OSHA rules closely. The compliance officer is there to verify whether a business or institution’s compliance plans are really in accordance with OSHA regulations, and that they are implemented according to precise guidelines. Tasks like certification for employees, preparing safety data sheets, and formulating safe work practices can take time. Compliance officers can help make sure that all these tasks are taken care of in a timely manner. Second, compliance officers stay current with the latest developments and changes to OSHA rules. Do not assume that OSHA rules are static und unchanging. If your facility follows practices that are out of date, you may be liable for violations. Compliance officers make sure that OSHA regulations are followed in day-to-day activities. Persons fully trained to oversee OSHA rules and regulations can be compliance officers. In small facilities, the employer or business owner can serve the role of a compliance officer. Compliance officers do not represent a large footprint in a business or organization. Effectiveness of procedures and levels of compliance can be verified by soliciting feedback from employees.

The Necessity and Benefits of a Compliance Officer

Some institutions have repeated OSHA violations, undergo several inspections due to accidents, or have numerous complaints filed by employees. If you have issues with OSHA regulation compliance, your facility needs a compliance officer. Plans are easier to implement if a compliance officer is present, and an institution can implement changes quickly and efficiently. When upgrades or advancements are underway in a facility, compliance officers will help make sure that OSHA standards are being followed which will help reduce potential issues with OSHA violations in the future. (A compliance officer can also serve as a resource person when upgrade plans are being made.) Most importantly, compliance officers help improve and maintain the health and well-being of employees, which leads to increased productivity. US Bio-Clean offers OSHA, HIPAA, AHA & CPR compliance training 100% online.

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