Red bags are designated for biohazardous waste items only. Find out which waste items must not be included in red bags.
Certain waste items should never be placed in a red bag. Red bags are reserved for biohazardous waste items only, including both liquid and solid biohazardous items. While there are several types of medical waste bags, red bags are specifically used for medical waste collection by companies like US Bio-Clean.
Medical waste is processed separately from other types of waste. Because it is hazardous, processing medical waste is costly and is only done by specialized companies. If your organization is looking for ways to reduce generated medical waste and save money in the process, you can keep specific types of waste out of your red bag waste.
Here are the types of waste that you shouldn’t put in a red bag.
Food Waste, Discarded Packaging and Electronics
Leftover food and discarded food packaging are not regulated biohazardous waste and should not be put in red bags. Food waste and packaging (and that includes drink cans and broken bottles) must be disposed of as municipal waste or recycled.
Day-to-day garbage, batteries and any other types of household waste, like smartphones, remote keys and watches, must not be disposed of in red bags.
Sharps waste is disposed of only in specialized sharps waste containers, which are sturdy and have small sealable openings to effectively isolate sharps. To prevent the risk of puncture and leakage, sharps should never be included in any medical waste bags.
In addition, sharps must be put in sharps containers at the source. The containers must be placed in a stable stand that reduces the risk of spilling and should only be filled up to two-thirds full at maximum. When filled, sharps containers must be sealed closed and labeled appropriately.
Bulk Liquids
Red bags are not designed to contain large amounts of liquids. Overfilling any medical waste bag greatly increases the risk of leakage and contamination. Small amounts of liquids in solid containers, like blood tubes and used intravenous sets, can be included in a red bag. Bulk biohazardous liquid waste must first be processed by adding inert solid powder to the fluids (some use sand), then packing it in solid containers for collection.
Although discarded pharmaceuticals are biohazardous, these should not be disposed of in red bags. Many drug companies and local communities have drug take-back programs that are ideal places for the disposal of discarded or expired medicines. Pharmaceutical waste is typically disposed of using incineration. If pharmaceuticals need to be disposed of, put them in a plastic bag, then place them in a sturdy, sealable container that is leak-proof. Containers of pharmaceuticals must be clearly marked.
Waste from Chemotherapy, X-ray and Radioactive Sources
Waste items from these sources are not to be included in unmarked red bags. Ionizing radiation and chemotherapeutic medicines can cause burns (including blistering burns), emit irritating vapors and are carcinogenic (cause cancer). Chemotherapy, X-ray and radioactive therapy-generated wastes are very dangerous and must only be contained in separate, specified containers. Waste items containing radiation must be packed inside radiation-shielded containers, while waste with traces of chemotherapy must be stored in primary and secondary sealed containers. Waste containers of chemotherapy and radioactive waste must be sealed and marked appropriately.
Soiled and Bloodied Linens
Linens contaminated with blood and human excretions must not be included in red bags. Instead, put them inside biohazardous-marked medical waste bags. Professional laundry operators are able to process and sanitize these items for re-use.
Gross Animal and Human Parts, Pathological Specimens
These items are not to be disposed of in unmarked red bags. Human and animal parts, biopsy specimens and cadavers must be disposed of in marked containers that are sturdy, leak-proof and sealed. These items are processed through incineration, so they need to be separated from other types of waste.
For wastes that are in doubt, contain them in a separate marked red bag with primary and secondary containers for extra security, and affix the required warning labels.