Your OSHA Inspection Questions Answered
The process can be nerve-racking. Prepare for an OSHA inspection by learning the answers to these FAQs.
No matter how careful your organization is about adhering to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) guidelines, undergoing an inspection can be stressful. Is it possible to prepare? Will your organization be targeted unfairly? We answer your most pressing OSHA inspection questions.
Who conducts OSHA inspections?
The Arizona Division of Occupational Safety and Health (ADOSH) is tasked with managing, inspecting and enforcing OSHA regulations related to workplace safety in the state of Arizona.How does ADOSH select organizations for OSHA inspections?
The division conducts inspections based on risk level and at random. ADOSH prioritizes inspections as follows:- Imminent danger and fatality/catastrophe investigations are conducted after a significant incident or when a significant incident is imminent.
- Complaint/referral investigations are conducted when ADOSH receives a safety complaint about a certain organization.
- Programmed inspections are completed at random.
Who can file an OSHA complaint about an organization with ADOSH?
Anyone can file a complaint about a health or safety hazard at an organization, including customers, employees and former employees.Can ADOSH target certain organizations for frequent inspections?
Yes and no. ADOSH can’t randomly target certain organizations for repeated inspections. However, if an organization is found to be violating guidelines during an OSHA inspection, it will receive follow-up inspections to ensure the problem is corrected and remains that way.Will ADOSH notify us before an inspection?
No. ADOSH is prohibited by Arizona law from notifying organizations prior to an inspection, except in rare circumstances that must be approved by the ADOSH director. Most OSHA inspections are unannounced visits.Does ADOSH issue warnings for first-time offenders?
No, ADOSH does not issue warnings to first-time offenders. If an organization is found to be in violation during an OSHA inspection, it will receive a citation and orders to correct the violation.What do I do if my organization receives a citation from ADOSH?
Immediately upon receiving a citation from ADOSH, you must post a copy of the citation in a conspicuous area near where the violation occurred or in a place that it will be visible to all employees. Then you must pay the citation and correct the violation as soon as practical. If you wish to contest the citation, you must provide ADOSH with a written notice of your intent to contest within 15 business days of receiving the citation.What can I do to ensure my organization doesn’t get cited for an OSHA violation?
Protect your organization by partnering with a state- and federally-compliant medical waste disposal company. US Bio-Clean offers its customers compliance training packages. Training options include:- OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens
- OSHA Hazard Communications
- U.S. DOT Hazmat Packaging