
Checklist: Ionizing Radiation Standard (29 CFR 1910.1096)

This standard applies to medical and dental offices that have an x-ray machine, used for diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases. X-ray machines are significant sources of ionizing radiation and precautions must be enforced to limit exposure to workers. Here is a sample checklist to help you comply with the Ionizing Radiation Standard:

Conspicuous Display of the Ionizing Radiation Standard

A current copy of Ionizing Radiation Standard is posted in conspicuous locations, easily seen by workers working in or frequenting radiation areas Gave a copy of Ionizing Radiation Standard to workers working in or frequenting radiation areas Made available a copy of the Ionizing Radiation Standard for workers’ examination upon request

Exposure of Employees to Radiation in Restricted Areas and Airborne Radioactive Material

Limited employees’ exposure to ionizing radiation to not more than 3 rems every 3 months Employees under 18 years of age not permitted to receive more than 0.025 rems every 3 months Limited dose to the whole body to not more than 5 (N-18) rems, where “N” equals the individual’s age in years at his/her last birthday

Precautionary Procedures and Personal Monitoring

Regularly maintained employees past and current exposure records to show that the addition of such a dose does not exceed the amount authorized by OSHA (responsibility of employer) Performed regularly scheduled surveys to evaluate radiation hazard incidents during production, use, release and disposal or the presence of radioactive material or other sources of radiation
  • Supplied the following appropriate personal monitoring equipment to workers who receive, or are likely to receive a dose in any calendar quarter in excess of 25 percent of the applicable value specified; workers under 18 years of age who enter a restricted area under such circumstances that receive or are likely to receive a dose in any calendar quarter in excess of 5 percent of the applicable value specified in OSHA:
Film badges Pocket chambers Pocket dosimeters Film rings

Caution Signs, Labels and Signals

 Used proper conventional radiation signs in accordance with OSHA specifications (1910.1096(e)(1)(i)  Posted sign bearing radiation caution symbol and the words ‘CAUTION RADIATION AREA’ in radiation area  Posted sign bearing the radiation caution symbol and the words ‘CAUTION HIGH RADIATION AREA’ in high radiation areas  Equipped a control device in high radiation areas that either causes the level of radiation to be reduced below that at which an individual might receive a dose of 100 millirems in 1 hour upon entry into the area, or a conspicuous visible or audible alarm signal must be activated in such a manner that an individual entering and the employer or a supervisor of the activity is made aware Posted sign bearing radiation caution symbol and the words ‘CAUTION AIRBORNE RADIOACTIVITY AREA’ in areas with airborne radioactivity Posted sign bearing radiation caution symbol and the words ‘CAUTION RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS’ in areas or rooms used for storage or for using radioactive materials On containers used for transport or storage of radioactive materials, durable and clearly visible labels must contain the words ‘CAUTION RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS’ Installed a signal generating system with design and functions in accordance to OSHA standards 1910.1096(f)(2) Made sure that the signal generating system is in compliance with OSHA standards 1910.1096(f)(1)(i), 1910.1096(f)(1)(ii), 1910.1096(f)(1)(iii), 1910.1096(f)(1)(iv) and 1910.1096(f)(1)(v) Tested immediate evacuation warning signals to make sure they respond automatically to an initiating event without requiring any human action

Instruction of Personnel

Informed all personnel working or frequenting any portion of the radiation area of the occurrence of radioactive materials or radiation Informed all personnel working or frequenting any portion of the radiation area of the instructions on handling safety problems associated with radiation exposure Instructed all personnel working or frequenting any portion of the radiation area of the appropriate precautions and devices to reduce radiation exposure

Storage of Radioactive Materials

For radioactive materials stored in non-radiation areas, made sure that the materials are secured against unauthorized removal from storage

Waste Disposal

Disposal of radioactive materials only performed by an authorized provider

Notification of Incidents

Immediately notified (within 24 hours) the Assistant Secretary of Labor or authorized representative of any incident involving unlawful radiation exposure or release detailed in 1910.1096(l)(1)(i) and 1910.1096(l)(1)(ii)
  • In addition to the notification made above, made a report (within 30 days) to the Assistant Secretary of Labor or authorized representative of the details of the incident, including the following:
The extent of exposure of persons to radiation or to radioactive material Levels of radiation and the concentration of radioactive material involved Cause of the exposure Levels of concentration Corrective steps taken or planned to assure against a recurrence


Maintained records of radiation exposure of all workers Kept and preserved any and all incident reports involving radiation accidents Furnished former employees with a report of the employee(s) exposure to radiation (must be done within 30 days of request) According to OSHA, this guide only provides the minimum set of standards that address frequently found hazards in medical and dental offices. Many other standards still apply, and it is the employer’s responsibility to follow up and obtain full texts of OSHA standards. All workplaces must display the OSHA poster in places where workers will see it. All standards are available on the OSHA website ( or by calling toll-free number (800) 321-OSHA (6472).

Your Guide to OSHA’s Bloodborne Pathogen Laws

In this free guide, you’ll learn about:

  • What to include in your exposure control plan
  • The appropriate use of PPE
  • Communicating hazards to employees
  • And more!

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